
This was a project where I worked with one other person. We had the opportunity to design and implement several design techniques using SSI and MSI parts and gave us more experience using VHDL and Altera DE2 boards.

We used led lights to simulate the ball going from one side to another. You would press a button when the ball is near the racket. If you do not click the button when the ball passes you, the game will end and you will end up losing.

I learned a lot in the design process. I got more familiar with making ASM charts and truth tables with real-life problems. Using the ASM charts and truth tables, we went on logic works to design our circuit. This got us familiar with logic works. We then used VHDL to put a program on the hardware so that you would know when the game starts and ends. We then implemented the circuit diagram onto the circuit board and made our game.